
Basics of Weight Training Splits

Everyone talks about training different body parts on separate days, also called training splits. But not everyone understands why we do it and the importance of it.  Why can't we just train the entire body in one day and on multiple days? Not saying you can't do that, maybe if you were lifting at the lightest possible amount to the point you don't actually feel your muscles working.  If you are serious about resistance training, building your muscles, you need to make it work, let it rest and recover to ensure maximum productivity to your weekly training.

When you utilize training splits, you are able to focus on specific muscle groups and maximize your sets without exerting yourself. If you are a novice to weight training, follow this basic training split to begin your new routine. The amount of weight is up to you but make sure to always start at a comfortable amount that will enable you to compete your sets.  As you progress and become stronger, you can increase the weights.

Monday: Back and Biceps
Tuesday: Chest and Triceps
Wednesday: All cardio
Thursday: Legs (limit cardio)
Friday: Shoulders and Abs

You can incorporate cardio and abs into any of your training days but always be sure to focus on the muscle groups and not the cardio, unless it's cardio day.  The types of exercise you use will be up to you (ie vertical row vs low row, free weights vs machine). Just keep in mind to train each muscle group with at least two different exercises.

Eat Clean, Train Mean & Supplement in Between!

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